Friday, May 30, 2008

Creating a Podcast Show using VOX Collections

The steps involved in creating a PodCast Show using VOX and the iTunes Store are:

  1. Record your Podcast show episode and convert to either mp3 or mp4 (aac, m4a).
  2. Upload
    your audio file (Podcast episode) to your Vox blog - either as a post
    attachment or upload directly into your Vox 'Audio' folder in your Vox
  3. Create a 'Collection' in Vox and name it - e.g. 'My Podcast Show'.
  4. Add
    your Podcast Episode to your Podcast 'Collection' in Vox - note
    providing a description and tag words will make it easier for listeners
    to search for your Podcast show and categorize it!
  5. Find your Vox Podcast Collection RSS feed and copy it.
    1. It will be in the form:
    2. i.e.
  6. Open
    iTunes, choose 'Advanced', 'Subscribe to Podcast' and paste your
    Podcast RSS feed - iTunes will then download and play your Podcast show
  7. Share your iTunes Podcast Playlist (and your RSS feed) with the rest of the class!
  8. To get your Podcast show on iTunes:
    1. Submit your Shows RSS feed to iTunes
    2. Launch iTunes.
    3. In the left navigation column, under iTunes Store, click on the Podcasts link to go to the Podcasts page.
    4. In the left column of the Podcasts page, in the Learn More box at the bottom, click on the Submit a Podcast link.
    5. Follow the instructions on the Submit a Podcast page.
      1. Note that you will need a valid iTunes account, and you will need to be logged into iTunes.
    6. You will receive a confirmation email from Apple.
PODCAST FAQ (Apple Computer)

View slideshow of screenshots.

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