Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Vodafone plans broadband service | BUSINESS | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz

Vodafone plans broadband service | BUSINESS | NEWS | tvnz.co.nz: "Vodafone says it may have the answer to New Zealand's internet speed woes with a plan to offer a third generation or 3G broadband service by the end of the year.

The company says the new service will be up to five times faster than its current second generation or 2G offering, with speeds of about 1.8 megabits per second, similar to that offered by rival Telecom.

But Vodafone says Nokia predicts those speeds could approach 14.4 megabits in a few years.

Vodafone New Zealand chief executive Russell Stanners says there's big growth potential for the new service which will provide broadband over the company's 3G mobile phone network.

Stanners believes Telecom's copper telephone wires into your home will become redundant and says broadband can be delivered effectively by mobile.

He admits Vodafone has been on the back foot in the mobile market against Telecom in recent quarters.

Meanwhile, Telecom says it plans to upgrade its third generation service next year with faster speeds than Vodafone of up to 2.4 megabits a second."

Well - its about time Vodafone & Telecom gave us realistic data pricing for 3G data - then it would be a viable alternative to ADSL broadband in NZ. Currently Vodafones 3G coverage is actually greater than Telecoms, even though Telecoms actual data speeds are higher, so I'd still go with Vodafone. Besides - what incentive does Telecom have in providing a good 3G service when they already monopolize and cramp ADSL broadband?!

(Via TVNZ News.)

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