Tuesday, December 02, 2008

mLearning - Using mobile technologies to develop new ways of teaching and learning

mLearning - Using mobile technologies to develop new ways of teaching and learning


Sent from my iPhone

University of Woolongong mlearning project, a series of 6 week long mlearning trials using Palm Treo680 smartphones and iPods, funded by Australian govt.

Critique: short-term projects with unoptimum choices of technology!

Publishing affordances of mlearning - but will results be coloured by the projects limitations?!

See Ascilite2008 papers of the various case studies. Herrington et al. The study was supported by a team of 12 staff - wow! 12 people doing what I have been doing all on my own at Unitec!

1 comment:

bestpmchennai said...

interesting blog. It would be great if you can provide more details about it. Thanks you
mobile technologies