Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Students use of IT

An interesting survey summary from Educause ECAR, outlining 10 key findings of the 2007 ECAR study of Students and Information Technology usage.
"What information technologies are used by undergraduates? How does IT contribute to their academic experiences and learning? What has changed since 2005? ECAR presents 10 key findings from the fourth annual survey of undergraduates, with responses from 27,846 students at 103 higher education institutions."

  1. One size does not fit all

  2. Social Uses of IT- Important and Personal

  3. CMS Usage is Up

  4. IT is All About Convenience

  5. IT as a Utility

  6. Students’ Assess Their IT Skills

  7. Curriculum Matters

  8. IT in Instruction –Striking the Balance

  9. Mobility –A Steady Increase

  10. Learning –It’s All about Instructors

ECAR conclude with two key action focii:
  1. Action Focus: IT Services
    • • Move toward 24 x 7 availability
      –CMS and other services
    • • Strengthen the Help Desk

    • • Continue wireless initiatives

    • • Watch usage trends for handheld devices

  2. Action Focus: IT in Courses
    • • Know your students’ IT profile
      –What technology do they own?
      –What are their IT skills?
    • • Assess use of IT in courses
      –Is there a balance between IT and instructor
      –How can you leverage the curriculum?
      –Are faculty trained in the IT they need?
      –Do students have the skills they need?

Read more below:

Caruso, J. B., & Salaway, G. (2007). Highlights of the 2007 ecar study of students and information technology. ECAR Symposium 2007 Retrieved 21 January, 2008, from

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