Wednesday, September 19, 2007

You have a PXT from 6421607883

Testing the Nokia Bluetooth keyboard with the Sonyericsson P1 - It works for basic text entry and simple navigation - no application shortcuts. The Nokia KBD supports up to 5 paired devices at a time without loosing snyc - a nice feature! The Nokia Bluetooth keyboard is a stylish design, and works particularly well with the Nokia N series phones. It folds up smaller than the Stowaway floding kbd. The keys are slightly smaller tahn a full kbd and take a little to used to the restricted spacing. PS - the photo is of my m600 not the P1 as i used the P1 to take the photo!

You've received either a PXT or video PXT. To view your PXT simply open the attached files, each item will be attached separately. For example, if you have received a PXT containing a picture and a text message you will have two files attached.

If your message is a PXT in most cases any media player should be able to open it. If you've received a video PXT (this will have the ending ".3gp"), or if you have received a sound or image file ending in .amr, .wbmp, .iMelody, or .gif you will need to install a special media player to play it.

In the case of .3gp, .amr or .gif files you can download QuickTime free of charge, which is compatible with both PC and Mac computers.

     Visit PXT World to find out all about PXT and create awesome picture messages!

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