Friday, May 18, 2007

Fring Makes Twitter Free

Fring Makes Twitter Free: "

Mobile startup Fring has found a smart way to make itself relevant and useful: by integrating Twitter. For those who aren’t familiar with it, Fring uses your phone’s Internet connection to make VoIP calls, send IMs and use VoIP services (Skype, Google Talk , MSN Messenger and SIP are supported). The addition of Twitter means that you can save on your SMS bill, since Fring works with Wi-Fi or your fixed data plan. So, no extra cost assuming you already have a data plan for your phone.

They’ve even put up a YouTube video explaining the service (embedded below). So does this make you a Fringing Twitterer? Or a Fritter?

Recommended: Piczo Stuff at Mashcodes!


(Via Mashable!.)

NOTE: At the moment Fring appears to only support Nokia phones (about 50% of the market), hopefully they widen their user-base soon.

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