Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Google Picasa2 Picture Blogging!

Cool - blogging pics from Google Picasa2 - a really cool free picture editor/slideshow/CD burning app! THis is better than Adobe Photoshop Elements!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, May 28, 2006

TUANZ Telecommunications Day

The TUANZ Telecommunications Day was very interesting!
Of particular interest was the stats on where NZ lies in broadband uptake in the OECD. Check out this powerpoint presentation.

ALSO - view the 'Telecon' add here ;-)

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Windows on MacBookPro

its true! - you can't successfully install WinXP with an SP1 disk on a MacBookPro and BootCamp :-(
However - I've managed to get WinXP booting, manually installed the ATI video drivers, ethernet and wireless networking drivers! So now I'm attempting to upgrade via the Net to SP2 and reinstall the Mac hardware drivers from the Boot Camp drivers CD - here's hoping! A full WinXPSP2 install disk retails for $645, so I'd rather not blow that much out of the budget without exhausting other possibilities first!

Cheap Moodle Hosting

Check out for a cheap solution for hosted Moodle sites. Also supports:

Friday, May 19, 2006

I'm creating a demo tutorial on how to setup Vagablog for posting to multiple Blogs on
Using eZediaQTi to create an interactive QuickTime movie.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Palm Blogging Saga
Both uBlog and Plogit are crashing when setting up multiple Blogs under the same username in Blogger! :-(
It appears that VagaBlog may be the stablist (for multiple Blogs) of the freeware Blogging apps (although the least featured).
Might have to consider a commercial alternative if the freeware apps can't hack the pace!

Monday, May 15, 2006


Reinstalled - will it crash on upload?
Vagablog thoughts
I prefer Plogit. Pity about uBlog though - it has the nicest interface of the 3 free Palm Blog clients.
Another Palm Blog client that handles multiple blogs per user is Vagablog.
UBlog Issues
uBlog appears to be crashing the Palms - as its been stable for me I am assuming that it cant handle multiple Blogs under the same username. Solution - try Plogit instead.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

BBA Workshop

testing Blog feed in BlackBoard!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

SMS Post

Testing Blog posting using SMS via - lets see if it works!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

IT control freaks

Well I discovered what was causing the slow external data rates to my Moodle Server - ITSC had assigned it a VERY LOW priority - i.e. limited its data rate to a trickle externally!!! - now why would anyone setup an Internet server and only want 1kbps up/downloads! - why did I have to request it be given 'normal' priority - arrrgghhh!!! What is wrong with how IT 'support' staff are 'educated'!!!!
At least its better now.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Reflections on first day of Wireless PAlm trial

Some issues discovered/encountered so far:
1. uBlog crashing Palm due to corrupt preference files - solution: delete & reinstall (beam from working version) uBlog.
2. Verichat IM client not connecting - possible issue - only a single license, but multiple users attempting to logon? (or problem with proxy server settings & WiFi access point ports) - solution: Use Agile Messenger instead. NB check for stability on LifeDrive!
3. Blog settings in uBlog - should have screenshot showing setup settings - put on Moodle notes.
4. Similarly - should have screenshots of QuickNews feed setup - check developer site for manual snapshots.
5. Upload zipped version of Palm Desktop software for PC to Moodle for student download.
6. SLoooooooooow external connection rates of Moodle Server - solution: fix Moodle on XServes & reinstall Moodle.
7. missing 'add blocks' item in Moodle and send email to selected Participants. Solution: as above - reinstall Moodle, or create course on Laptop & import to server.
8. Slower students - solution: create mentors with IT literate students!
9. Forgot to mention Moodle shortcut on Palms via SharkLinks - solution: email note to students (also mention Agile Messanger solution for IM).
10. Time consuming - creating database of student Blogs, email, IM IDs - need a more automated approach!

Phew - enough for a start! Apart from that - the introduction of the project went quite well. - several students are already keen to purchase their own Palms!


Setting up uBlog on Palm