Monday, March 31, 2008

Overview of Mobile2

A nice slideshare on Mobile2:

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Sunrise @ Blind Billies - Middlmarcn

The one redeeming feature of Blind billies! & the showers!

Posted by ShoZu

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Cycling the otago railtrail

Halfway through the otago halfway - a great relaxing 4 day ride with good food & quaint accomodation!

Posted by ShoZu

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

N80 Launch with BDesign (Product) students!

Yesterday we handed out the Nokia N80's and got students underway with WiFi accecss while we're waiting on Vodafone to sign students up on voice and data plans (C'mon Vosafone - get your act together!!!).




Tuesday, March 11, 2008


This post from Roger's Vox blog today: (Bachelor Product Design Tutor)
PS - it was a fun session - a bunch of enthusiastic students and two enthusiastic Tutors as well!

MobBlogs: "MobBlogs

Blogging Session

A huge thanks to Thom Cochran from the Unitec CTLI (Centre for Teaching and Learning Innovation) who came into studio this morning and ran a session on blogging and mobile blogging.
The staff along with Thom are researching into the effectiveness of mobile blogging and how it might contribute to or enhance teaching and learning. The Bachelor of Product Design is based upon the 'classic' studio teaching model and through our research project we aim to disrupt this model and seek a new model(s) for the programme. Thom is running another research project with the Landscape Architecture Department and both these projects will be contributing to his PhD studies.

Today we gave out Nokia N80's to a 8 selected students. The N80's come with folding bluetooth keyboards to make copy writing that much easier.
All students in the 3rd year are required to blog as part of their final year projects but these 8 will be taking part in the mobile blogging research project. Each client has been encouraged to take part in the blogging process and to interact with the students whenever possible.

DesignProjects3 11/03/08 8:59 PM DesignProjects3 mobile blogging ctli"

(Via DesignProjects3.)

Friday, March 07, 2008

iPod Touch Trial begins!

Today we started an iPod Touch mobile trial with Diploma of Contemporary Music students! Great fun - everyone got their iPod Touch configured and setup on the WiFi network.






12 students – students volunteer to participate using provided iPod Touch.

Course Tutors

Technology Steward (Thom Cochrane – CTLI)

The main focus of this project is on the support and enhancement of face to face teaching and learning by using mobile wireless devices (iPod Touch) as a means to leverage the potential of current and emerging collaborative and reflective e-learning tools (e.g. blogs, wikis, RSS, instant messaging, podcasting, social book marking, etc…). These are often called “social software” tools. The iPod’s wireless connectivity and data gathering abilities (e.g. photoblogging, video recording, voice recording, and text input) allow for bridging the on and off campus learning contexts – facilitating “real world learning”.

The learning outcomes for students are
  • Developing critical reflective skills

  • Facilitating group communication

  • Developing an online eportfolio

  • Developing a potentially world-wide peer support and critique network

  • Learning how to maximise technology to enhance the learning environment across multiple contexts

Students and teaching staff will be provided with an iPod Touch (16GB) for the duration of the trial (2008). Internet connectivity will also be available via Unitec WiFi network while on campus. This provides faster, free web access while on campus.

The project will be guided and supported by weekly “technology sessions” facilitated by Thom Cochrane (CTLI).

The core activity of the project is the creation and maintenance of a reflective Blog as part of a course group project. However the iPod can be used to enhance almost any aspect of the course:

The project will use the iPod Touch and PCs (Macs) for the following activities:

  • A reflective Blog (

  • An eportfolio (

  • Email (GMail)

  • RSS (

  • Shared Calendars (Google Calenders)

  • Image Blogging (Flickr)

  • Video Blogging (YouTube)

  • Podcasting

  • Instant Messaging and Skype

  • Shared bookmarks (Delicious)

  • Accessing the Course Management System (Blackboard)

  • Document reading (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, PDF using QuickOffice and Google Docs)

Monday, March 03, 2008

iPhone/iPod Touch Web Apps

A brief list of some favourite iPhone/iPod Touch Web Apps (While waiting on the flood of new iPhone apps as a result of the upcoming iPhone SDK release ;-)