Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mobile AIM - AOL Mobile

AIM on a mobile phone just got a whole lot easier!

Find Mobile AIM - AOL Mobile: "Most cellular phones provide multiple ways to use the Mobile AIM service.
Depending on your wireless carrier%u2019s capabilities, there are three different methods to access the Mobile AIM service.Start now! Use the Mobile Dashboard on the right to find out exactly how you can access the Mobile AIM service on your particular carrier and phone model.

1. The Mobile AIM service through text messaging
Easy to setup, now you can elect to have your IMs forwarded to your phone as text messages. Click here to learn more.

2. The Mobile AIM service through mobile web browser
Many wireless carriers provide access to the Mobile AIM service using the phone's mobile web browser. Click here to learn more.

3. The Mobile AIM service through software
Mobile AIM software provides the greatest functionality on your phone. Click to learn more about Installed or Downloadable Mobile AIM."

(Via AIM.)

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